Wednesday, January 9, 2013


First, I want to thank you again for giving more of your time for us.

There are a couple of things I need to discuss today. As I mentioned in the first post titled "Our Story", I mentioned I am unfamiliar with blogs and how to manage them. Looking over my lack of familiarity with this type of venue, I found a few glaring problems:

1)   Somewhere I have a setting on the site that unfortunately prevents reader’s input, both positive and negative from being posted. I will find how to make these visible for everyone to see. I especially believe it is important to see where legitimate questions are asked that deserve a proper explanation.
2)   Seems I may have done a poor job of filling in some important blanks. I see if I can get more specific details in this and the next post.

Why Did I Handle It The Way I Did?
Included in the comments I found quite valid concern regarding the timing involved in our situation.  Specifically, why we were so slow in notifying our staff and workers who were already assigned to see patients after we became aware we may not be able to pay for services?

I first want to own my responsibility and say I can explain what I did and what I was thinking, but an explanation is not intended to be an excuse. The reader should always feel free to make an unbiased decision regarding whether or not they agree with my actions.

I became aware how serious the situation might be on Dec. 21 and actually began to see some signs a little earlier. My rationale going forward at that time is actually very simple: the government had routinely been threatening me, the business, specific staff members in our office, and virtually everything we did for a very long time. In fact, my wife and I have lived the past three or four years never knowing for certain what the government would or would not do (or when), but the threats had long ago become a part of the never ending and overwhelming daily stress we struggled with. In addition, in multiple recent conversations I had with the TWC, I was simply never told in a manner that made sense that this new round of intimidation would be any different from the last time. Or the time before. Or the one before that. Or….etc... I also apparently had too much faith in common sense, the government, TWC, and certainly the specific individuals involved there.

Forced to retain an attorney we could not afford, I had been assured by virtue of his experience this particular threat, even at if carried out would amount to nothing more than a piece of paper. There was supposed to be several more steps before anything devastatingly severe could occur. In theory he was absolutely correct. However, the reality was that once the state issued their piece of paper, our finance company suddenly panicked and responded in a manner that may actually be illegal. The finance company said it is essentially their money and they don't have to continue business with us if they are afraid of government interference.

Where our rights or their obligation lie in the situation will take a little longer to determine because of the damages we and our staff incurred as well as what their next move is. As of this moment, I would like to believe they may realize their mistake and tomorrow we begin to repair all the carnage together.

What happened had no outward appearance of having the potential to do so much damage. Intentionally or otherwise I was still being led to believe by both the finance company and the state that, at worst, the situation was temporary and probably would not disrupt operations.

I may have made a mistake or exhibited poor judgment, but it is my responsibility to get it right. The instant I did become aware we would have this much trouble, I stopped all operations until I could find the best means to meet my obligations. Right or wrong decision, any staff member who we have had trouble paying, this is definitely a legitimate complaint.
I am still hoping it was not too late.

Self Disclosure
In the first post I disclosed that I suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of constant government interference and what I construe as harassment. I have since been diagnosed with some lengthy name which essentially boils down to severe depression and have been told it is possible I may never fully recover. Over the last several years, this has embarrassingly rendered me incapacitated at times. Anyone with this degree of depression or loved ones who have seen it are often confused about what is happening to their mind. There have been many days I desperately needed to be working and contribute my fair share, but instead found myself paralyzed by the thought of allowing the stressors back in.

My wife and I have spent a tremendous amount of time and money with doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and medicine trying to find the best treatment to get me productive or just functional when needed. At times I grieved immensely over the fact I was not able to pull myself together enough to meet my obligations. I can easily see how an onlooker would shake their heads with doubt. Healthy people may never fully empathize, and even those of us experiencing it can never explain it completely. Depression can bring the deepest despair and hopelessness, sometimes to the point of humiliation, which is exactly what such an individual does not need to add to their already existing problems.

In my instance, I have been jolted to a reality I was in no way prepared for….fortunately God was.

More on that next time.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thank you for following our discussion.Today I would like to share just a few stories about the wonderful people I get to work with. Readers may recall we had our finances revoked for still unknown reasons creating chaos and repercussions that may be felt for years by some. I can never do justice relating to all the conversations I had today with so many of them, but here are just a few....... with more to come.

Individual Stories You Should Know About

  • One of our longest standing staff members, who at one time worked in our office instead of the field, had her electricity turned off. Although she is down and out, she refuses to be bitter. When she spoke to me she took the time to assure me that God would take care of us all and that she has the faith and confidence that there is some greater purpose at work. This lady is a single mother with two children and no husband or ex husband providing any form of child support. She has plenty of reason to complain, and even though she cannot meet her obligations for the moment and her family is suffering she wants to be a part of something greater than what was done to her.

I hope I can grow up to be like her some day, even though I think she is at least 20 years younger than I am now.

  • There was one young woman I spoke to who was following up on her application from two weeks ago. Like so many in this economy, she needs to find income and her deadline has long gone. Still, she took the time to listen attentively and afterwards offered all she could to assist.

  • Another lady called who was working in our office when I had to deliver the bad news three days before Christmas. One of the most humiliating parts of this entire situation involves the fact that I happened to have a very bad case of the flu the day we were told we were in so much trouble. Knowing I could not in any good conscience allow anyone to work without knowing I could pay them, I had to tell them but the only way I could was by email. 

You will see me say many times they deserved more, and that is an understatement of the highest order. 

They need their checks, but all I can do is continue to replay the excuse that it is out of our hands and nothing we can do. Not only is this unfair to all involved, but in my best of moods (which I have none anymore) I greatly resent being placed in the position to have to hurt so many people so needlessly. Hopefully I will   improve that attitude by the time it matters most.

  • A 25 year old young man called asking about his check. As I got to know him more throughout the conversation, I came to realize that he was mature far beyond a label of only 25. Not only was he willing to pull up by the boot straps, but he also offered as much assistance as he could provide.
  • Many workers called asking about their checks. Some for the third, fourth, fifth or above time. They are worried and I hear the panic. What can they do? They can only trust that something will happen, but we all know it needs to be soon.
An Odd Coincidence? I Think Not

Today I received a call from a close friend telling me that there was a prominent news article in the Dallas Morning News stating that the carrier FedEx is suing the exact same agency, the Texas Workforce Commission for virtually the same situation. A cursory look at the article fully validated my belief that our stance is correct and appropriate yet at the same time concerned me greatly. There was a quote from the Texas state attorney general who says he believes the state is immune to such legal action.


Does this mean the impunity the agency officials we have argued with for so long is impenetrable? Where are the rights of those of us trying to do the right thing but caught up in whatever this is? If the government allows its agency representatives to create and enforce non-existent or faulty rulings without recourse, then what?

As mentioned in the first post, we cannot waste time and energy worrying about vengeance or even "justice" for justice's cake. We have to concern ourselves with not only ourselves and those who rely on us to do the right thing but the next person and the next and the next who find themselves in something similar. 

What Seems To Be The Question?

I would like to leave that to anyone who dares to try and frame the scenario into a tidy box. If the government insists on respect and applies  rules, regulations, laws, or whatever but refuses to live by even remotely similar standards then that courtesy is forfeited. Once again, we are not asking for anything more than what we thought our government would provide and abide by for anyone. I guess for me, at this moment, the question is "can that be done?" 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Our Story

 Helping You Help Others
The facts:
  •  I know absolutely nothing about blogs and have only actually read only one or two my entire life.
  • 12 years ago my wife and I established the first hospice service in the world (as far as we can find) that specialized in the last few days or even hours of life as opposed to the traditional final six months at end-of-life. 
  • We grew very, very quick.
  • When we began, we could find only one hospice in the nation who knew the term "continuous care"
  • Today every hospice in the country offers 24 hour around the clock continuous care or the patients often choose another hospice
    • It has been estimated that by the proliferation and visibility we were fortunate to initiate we have directly or indirectly reached millions of individuals through patients, families, extended families, communities, churches, workplaces, and the spread of the program nationwide.
  • We became prime advocates for intensive care in home for patients who wanted to be at home when that time came.
  • We made lots of friends. 
  • We made enemies.
  • We were so successful that we created our own competition by developing the program. Many people who worked with us went on to compete with us and took a large share of our business as well as documentation, policies, procedures, workers, and operational know-how.
  • I had a nervous breakdown.
  • The government began to intervene. Before it was over the IRS, the Department of Labor, Texas Workforce Commission, and more had mounted a devastating war for reasons never explained nor understood.
  • We defended our patient's and the hospices we were privileged to work with with every penny we had.
  • On December 21, 2012, without warning, actions of the government caused us to lose all access to our funds resulting in our inability to make payroll the weekend before Christmas. People were left without money not only for Christmas, but for overdue electric bills, car payments, rent, mortgages, and for the good faith act of working and expecting to be paid for doing so.
This blog must define itself by my best effort to avoid bitterness, unprovable claims, and anger in favor of soliciting constructive input, advice,and offering to serve as an instrument to disseminate information. As in most disasters, personal or professional, it seems to be a common expression that no one expects it to happen to them. Surely, it will always be someone else or perhaps whatever it is never really happens at all and claims to the contrary are either exaggerated, incorrectly presented, or fraudulently contrived.

One fact that is very clear and non-debatable: as I write this, I have witnessed the near complete deterioration of the spirit within the rock that holds me up in this life. First and foremost, my faith in God will continue intact regardless what the result is going to be, but the person who keeps me grounded and facing God instead of running from Him in those dark days is crumbling herself. In addition to all the others who have been hurt in these events, my wife has done nothing to deserve such treatment which I have been moved to describe as inhumane. I hear her trying to mute her sobs and she should not be expected to hide the tears that are now perpetually nearer the surface than any time I have known her. The phone rings and I see signs of panic to the point of terror in her face. Will this be the caller upset enough to threaten the safety of our son, herself, or all of us? Will he or she actually try to bring harm into our home?

I do not believe in suicide, but I can empathize to the fullest. In days to come I will chronicle as much detail as I can bringing us to this point in time. I implore anyone with knowledge of how to combat governmental abuse and harassment to forward that information at your first opportunity. What I will explain in these next few days is how absolutely and completely we have performed in best faith effort, always ethical, moral, and legal, and yet we have been persecuted well beyond the breaking point for unknown reasons by the government of the US and the state of Texas.

Our Goals:
  • We seek resolution, not revenge. 
  • We have to correct this injustice while not pointing angry fingers and lowering ourselves to the level we are protesting. 
  • We still want to assume what has happened to us is only over zealousness, misapplied, or misinterpreted regulations, or something not insidious and personal.
  • We would be ecstatic to garner media attention.
  • We will offer total transparency allowing anyone to ask any question that may or may not be construed as confrontational or negative and still expect an honest answer with records to support said answer. If we have truly done something wrong, we need to know that, too.
  • We want to help others on both sides of the situation learn and become better at what their appointed responsibilities required of them.
  • We want to help others who find themselves in similar situations.
  • We want to do so in a manner pleasing to our Father in Heaven, in Whom I trust to bring the right answers.

Thank you for taking time to read about our plight. Maybe you will be the one with the answer or contact that makes the difference, or maybe you can will move on and forget us very soon. Either way, you spent valuable time with us and it is appreciated.